Loïc Pottier
Researcher in Computer Science.

7000 East Ave
Livermore, CA 94550
I am currently a Research Scientist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the Bay Area. I am part of the Center for Applied Scientific Computing where I am working on scientific workflows management at extreme scales.
Before that, I was Computer Scientist at the Information Sciences Institute which is part of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. I was part of the Science Automation Technologies group led by Dr Ewa Deelman where I was working on scientific workflows management on large-scale cyber-infrastructures and on optimizing machine learning workflows to run on high-performance systems (HPC).
In 2018, I have defended my PhD in Computer Science at École Normale Supérieure, France, under the supervision of Anne Benoit and Yves Robert. I was part of the team ROMA at the LIP, during my PhD I was mainly working on co-scheduling algorithms for large-scale applications.
I have also investigated scheduling and data management problems on the new many-core architectures.
My research interests lie at the intersection of parallel computing and resource management:
- Scheduling problems in HPC and distributed computing
- Resilience & reliability at Exascale
- Scientific workflows management
- Distributed Machine Learning on HPC systems
Oct 17, 2022 | I am working for the US Department of Energy at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) as Research Scientist. |
May 1, 2020 | I have been promoted to full-time Computer Scientist at ISI. |
Feb 19, 2019 | I joined the USC Information Sciences Institute as a postdoc! |